Tuesday, July 9, 2019

About targeted advertisements and news

In the news there was a piece about social media algorithms by which they meant targeted advertisements and classified news in the social media sites. The word "algorythm" sounds like computer programming, so it propably is misleading. Instead targeting usually goes like in shops and in journalism: people in certain age group in certain area are interested in certain areas of life at certain level of skill, and so they are offered such news and advertisements but more detailedly according to which such web pages they have visited. Age metters especially because it tells often whether you have grown up on that district or chosen the area because of it's major features. It may also tell whether you visit sites just to increase your picture of the world or whether you intentionally choose all the subjects because you are interested in them. It may also tell whether your choices already are successful ones like the user-friendliness features of your computer coded in it's colour: are you most fond of such approach? So targeted advertising may more often go ashtray on younger generations and more often offer things of interest that they do not have for mer experience about. Targeted news partly serve to make sure that you must yourself estimate the trustworthiness of sites and news, and so they are not as closely superwised as some might want. Advertisements and news targeted at the elderly propably depend very much on the town or area and on what kinds of subjects and approaches the person has for merly visited, since such choices are intentional as one gets older.

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